I always love the start of a new year, for mean, it means a fresh start and decluttering. I started my new year by going from room to room in my house, and purging each room until there was nothing there but the basics. I was going for a minimalistic style of decor, which is decluttering, organizing, and allowing for clean space in your home without all the needless decor and such. I admit I had my home covered from top to bottom with all sorts of decor, mainly farmhouse-type of stuff, and a lot of it!
As I began cleaning out each room and removing all non-essentials, God revealed to me that He wanted me to give myself a fresh start and a clean slate in every area of my life. I thought I misunderstood God, but usually, when He repeats the same thing to me three times, I take notice. I quickly grabbed my journal and pen and began to write what God was showing me through the act of purging each room in my home.
The first thing that I noticed when I was putting all my knick knacks in a pile, and taking down all the extra stuff I had everywhere, I felt like I could breathe. The space around me felt cleaner, lighter, and breathable. It felt so good, that I could not stop! Now, I have an enormous pile of decor stacked in my guest bedroom.
Removing the clutter, old baggage, sin, and whatever in our past has hindered us can truly be that clean slate that can get us unstuck from the past.

What would happen if we truly let go of not just what hinders us, but all the hurt, anger, offense, and unforgiveness we have towards others?
I imagine we would feel lighter, and better spiritually, physically, and mentally.
Most of us keep holding on to the past and things that we need to let go of because it can be hard to release those very things we thought were serving us in some way. Just like when I had trouble at the beginning of clearing my home of non-essentials because I truly thought there was no way I could part with that item! I soon realized that I had to let go of the old so that I could bring in the new. This step can take some time, so go slow if you are letting go.
The process of letting go never happens in one day. This process happens slowly, over a period of time, until we eventually are ready to embrace the new. Make sure you have spent time letting go/grieving the areas of your life that have caused you tremendous pain, and then when you are ready take the first step out of the past.
Declare that the past is over, and you don’t live there anymore.
What does a fresh start with a clean slate look like?
Believing in yourself again. Letting go of past failures and mistakes. Believe that God does have a good plan for your life.
Forgiving yourself and others. Giving yourself a clean slate means giving others a clean slate as well. Forgive others' trespasses so that God will forgive you of yours. You owe no man anything except to love them. You cannot love if you don’t forgive their trespasses.
Let go of what is not working in your life, and move on to what is working.
See yourself and others the way that God sees you and them. This means believing the best about yourself and others.
Forgive immediately and do not take anything personally so that you can let go easier the sins of others. Forgive others the way that you want to be forgiven.
Give yourself grace and mercy for your shortcomings and weaknesses, and do the same to others. Hold others to the same standard that you give yourself.
Stop reminiscing about your past, it’s over! Start each day with a fresh start, as God’s mercies are truly new each day.
Purge and clean out your home, closets, and/or cabinets and see what the difference feels like when you get rid of the items that you don’t need. That feeling will be similar when you remove those things in your past that no longer benefit you in any way.
As you are removing the areas in your life that prevent you from moving forward, make sure to fill yourself up with the Word of God, prayer, worship, thanksgiving, and stillness before God.
Resources for you: