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From the Desk of Your Empowerment Life Coach: Don’t Let the Hard Days Win! 

Writer's picture: stephaniereckstephaniereck

Don't Let the Hard Days Win!

We all have hard days, some of us have hard weeks or even months. It would be easy to give up when life throws us a curveball. Resiliency is born when we go through adversity. Listen to the key word, resiliency is learned, not given automatically.


Why would you want to be resilient?

Because the hard days will come, the thief, our enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy from us. Overcoming hardships and challenges through the power of the Holy Spirit equips us for days that are hard.


We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ, and we have the victory in Him, however, we can sometimes forget these truths. Let me remind you today that whatever weapon has formed against you will not prosper. You are stronger than you know, the Greater One lives inside of you. Don’t let no devil or circumstance keep you down.


Don’t let the hard days win!

Don't quit!
Don't quit!


You can encourage yourself in the Lord, even if no one else is around. You be your own cheerleader, and tell yourself, “To get up, you got this!”


Realize that those hard days will come, but they don’t have to win! You can put some strategies in place that will help you overcome those days.


🔑 11 Key strategies to put in place when you have hard days to help you overcome:

1.    Resist the enemy and he will flee from you. Don’t take the “bait” of Satan through offense, anger, gossip, slander, or whatever he tries to throw at you.

2.    Keep your thoughts fixed and focused on those things that are good, lovely, praiseworthy, and peaceful. I know this is challenging when you are upset or stressed, but it does help from you spiraling into depression, anxiety, or a stress-related disorder.

3.    Use praise as a weapon. Fill your mouth with thanksgiving and praise, even if you don’t feel like it. Praise confuses the enemy and lifts you out of heaviness.

You Got This!
You Got This!

4.    Speak and declare the word of God over your troubling circumstances. Write out scriptures and faith-filled declarations on notecards and speak them out loud frequently.

5.    Go outside and get some vitamin D, to boost your immunity and to ward off depression.

6.    Go out and take a walk, go to a park, or get into nature somehow. Nature naturally calms us and puts us in a state of relaxation. Stop and enjoy the scenery, the birds, the flowers or tress, or the water.

7.    Put your tennis shoes on and move. Move your body is some way to release any pent-up stress and anxiety. This can look like a bike ride, walking, gardening, dancing.

8.    Get alone with the Father and allow Him to minister to you and to heal you. You need this time to recover and reset from difficult times. Grab a journal and write what the Holy Spirit reveals to you.

9.    Space yourself from those that would only bring additional stress into your life. There are times that you may need to add space between relationships that discourage you.

10.Set limits with your time and place margin in your day for breaks. Don’t fill your schedule overflowing, and jam pack your day with no breaks. Take the time to slow down and take scheduled breaks.

11.Do what you can do when you are having a hard time. Don’t beat yourself up that you may not can do everything you could before the hardship. Recognize that going through difficult situations is taxing on your mental, emotional, and spiritual health.


If you are going through something especially difficult, you may need to incorporate self-care practices* There are times that life knocks the very wind out of you, and you need time to regroup. Use wisdom when your body and mind are “speaking.” I recently went through a challenging family circumstance; my body was exhausted, and my mind was negative and anxious. I used wisdom and decided that I needed any entire weekend of self-care. I took naps, went for long walks, journaled, cried, watched a comedy, ate a great meal, spent alone time with the Father, and went to the park. Now, I feel refreshed and I am slowly getting back into the swing of things.




➡️ *Check out my e-book on self-care and my e-course on self-care.


➡️  Need some encouragement, insight, or support dealing with those hard days or challenging circumstances? Book your first life coaching session with me today, your first consultation is FREE!


➡️ Check out my YouTube Channel for encouragement to build your faith, and teaching on discernment, spiritual warfare, prayer, and prophecy. Make sure to subscribe and share while you are there!





Copyright@2025 by Stephanie Reck, Coaching and Consulting Services, LLC

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