What areas do you need to be more disciplined in? Exercise, eat right, your thoughts, and finances, or perhaps read the Bible and pray.
Discipline requires practice and repetition. Doing the same thing over and over until you achieve your result.
It is not wise to believe that you can get disciplined in an area of your life in a few short weeks. New habits can be formed and old patterns of behavior can be broken with discipline. Is it hard work? Yes, but you can do it!
I started training to be a runner over 5 years ago. I will never forget the first several weeks and even months. I had to train myself to get up early in the morning, as well as prepare myself before each run with stretching. I first started with a goal. I was going to run the 3-mile bridge close to where I live. Now this was a bit of a challenge being that I never run before, however, I had made my mind up; I was going to learn how to run. The bridge that I wanted to run is also a draw bridge with a steep incline in the middle where the bridge is open to allow boats to pass through safely. I tried for 3 months to run over that draw bridge, but between the aches and pains in my legs and all the huffing and puffing that I was doing; I just could not complete the bridge. I decided to be realistic with my goal and to set a more realistic time frame for being able to finish the bridge. I made my goals smaller and more manageable.

I eventually accomplished the large goal of completely running over the entire bridge. After several months I finally made it over! Then I was set for my next goal to make running a weekly discipline, and to even enjoy it! Three years later I am still running and have even completed a 5k run.
When I first started running I hurt my foot and I was not able to run for 2 weeks. I got very discouraged, but I had remembered that I already set my mind that I would exercise. I had to revamp my schedule of doing things because I could no longer run on my painful foot. When things do not work out the way you had planned, do not give up! I brainstormed some other ways I could still exercise without re-injuring my foot. I began to incorporate other forms of training such as biking, swimming, and walking.
When you begin to be more disciplined in whatever areas in your life, you will have some challenges and setbacks along the way. The key is to persevere.
✅ 10 ways to become more disciplined in any area:
1. Set a goal for yourself. What do you want to improve? Ask the Lord for His help.
2. Set your mind ahead of time that you will follow through even with setbacks and challenges.
3. Have a support system for encouragement for those times that you may get discouraged.
4. Set small, realistic goals after setting your large overall goal.
5. Remove temptations. If you are trying to eat healthier, replace chips and cookies with healthier snacks.
6. Do not wait until you “feel” like improving in an area. It will feel uncomfortable and awkward, but move past the feelings.
7. Make sure to reward yourself when you are completing your short goals.
8. You will have ups and downs, failures and successes when changing, but keep going and become determined that you will succeed. You will have “off days,” but do not let that stop you.
9. Try to have a consistent routine, this is particularly important if you are beginning an exercise program.
10. Have a free day. You should have one day where you are not focused on your goal. This is the time to sit back and enjoy your progress.
➡️ The best quality to have when disciplining yourself to change is to be determined.
➡️ Determination is a quality that makes you continue trying to do or achieve something difficult.
Do you know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things…But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection…1 Corinthians 9: 24-23 & 27
As the Apostle Paul discussed we have to train like an athlete for our spiritual disciplines such as prayer, and reading the Bible. The most important discipline we can have is spiritual discipline, making the time for Jesus first. Before I run, I “run” to the Father. He comes first.
➡️ Here are some resources that can assist you in becoming more disciplined:
✅ Check out my book for an additional resource on discipline, “Disciplining Your Mind, 30Days to a Better You.”
✅ My e-course on Disciplining your Mind, with tips, tools, and practical applications to assist you in achieving a disciplined mind.
✅ Book your 🆓 initial consultation for life coaching, and together we will work on improving the areas of your life that you want to be successful at.
✅ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I post videos weekly on various life-coaching topics to teach, train, and encourage you.
✅ FREE mini e-course on How to Form New Habits that Last