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Motivational Life Coaching Corner: You CAN Get Disciplined in Every Area of Your Life!



I always wanted to eat healthier, get up early in the morning, become a runner, and write more but I had difficulty starting and staying with these things I wanted to accomplish. I also wanted to think more positively but found myself having more of a “wilderness” mind. What has helped me to accomplish and even achieve some of the goals I mentioned above was learning how to discipline myself. Let’s be honest no one really likes discipline, it’s hard and seems almost impossible to conquer at times. However, with the hard work comes the pay off-your goals getting accomplished.



Discipline brings structure and stability into your life. When you’re not disciplined you pretty much do whatever you want, sounds fun, for someone who is an adolescent.



►If you ever wanted to be more disciplined, I am listing below practical ways that you can start becoming a more disciplined person:




1.     Know your temptations and remove them. If you want to eat better, get rid of unhealthy foods and snacks in your house. Yes, you can treat yourself to a special dinner and desert once a week but not every day.


2.     Have clear goals and a vision for why you want to become more disciplined. Maybe you want to start exercising to feel better or maybe you want to more productive at work.


3.     Discipline is a learned behavior. You must practice this behavior to master what you want. It is believed it can take anywhere from 21-30 days to form a new habit. Practice daily what you want to overcome or achieve.


4.     Don’t wait until you feel like doing something, move past your feelings and do it anyways. Develop a routine and stick to it regardless of how you feel.


5.     Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many changes at once, start small, and build your confidence for bigger changes.


6.     When you have a set-back, forgive yourself, and keep going forward. Don’t stop just because you had that piece of cheesecake you were trying to avoid.


7.     Set boundaries. Know your limits and say no to things that could hinder your desire to be more disciplined.


8.     Reward yourself weekly when you accomplish what you have set out to do.




Discipline is learned, and it is a decision you make to do something and see it through.




Being more disciplined will help you to manage your time better and stay focused when other distractions compete for your time. Developing discipline will help you to achieve your goals. Without discipline you may never get that college education, begin to exercise, or start that business you always wanted.




Respond: What area do you want to begin having more discipline in? How will you go about doing that?




Do you desire to be successful, productive, achieve goals, break destructive habits, or even form healthy habits? If your answer is yes, then you must develop discipline in your life.




Discipline also brings stability and structure into your life. This is a must if you are recovering from any addiction, or you struggle with any form of instability in your life.




Discipline means delaying gratification. People that lack self-control are unable to delay gratification, this can lead to disastrous results such as overspending when you really haven’t “counted the costs” down the road for a financial splurge.




When you are disciplined, you can choose to do what you know to do rather than doing what you feel like doing. Discipline will get you out of bed to exercise when you would rather stay in bed and sleep.




People who are disciplined are not better at fighting temptation, just better at avoiding it. For example, a disciplined person may avoid going to a bar or a party if they know they could not resist the temptation.




A disciplined person knows who would sabotage their disciplined life and places firm boundaries on those people.




A disciplined person is great with time management, they don’t waste valuable time sleeping late, running late, or aimlessly wandering around because they don’t have a plan.




Being disciplined can help you eat better, exercise, be more productive in life, be a good financial steward with your resources, and achieve goals that you want to accomplish in life.




Discipline can help you with your thinking that may be negative. When you take those negative thoughts captive and begin to replace those thoughts with the truth in God’s Word and faith-filled statements you can eventually discipline your mind or train your brain to think on those thoughts that are lovely, good report and praiseworthy.




A disciplined person is overall more satisfied in life. If you lack discipline, start with one small thing you want to get disciplined in and then gradually build as you achieve your desired results. You are not looking for perfection, we will all have days where we forgo our discipline, but don’t stay there; forgive yourself and get back up.




It usually takes 30 days to learn something new or break a habit, however it can take up to six weeks or longer. Discipline takes hard work, dedication and commitment to stick to your goals even though you may not feel like it.






➡️ Resources for your journey:


✅ For more ways to discipline your mind, check out my latest book, “Disciplining your mind, 30 days to a better you,” for practical tips to having a more disciplined mind. Everything we want to achieve starts with our thoughts. Thoughts precede behavior.



Watch my YouTube Video on how to get Disciplined in every area of your life, and while you are there make sure to Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for new weekly content.


Join my self-paced course on Disciplining Your Mind. You will gain tips, tools, and receive practical applications on this subject.




 📌 Ready to book your first life coaching session with me? I am available for email coaching as well.



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