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Motivational Life Coaching Corner: You Have to Start Somewhere 

Starting over when you feel that you have failed at something in the past can become an obstacle to starting again. Perhaps you did fail at something whether a business, in ministry, with an addiction, or with a relationship.


I want you to get a change in perspective in what you believed you failed at and this is it: You only fail when you quit trying, but if you decide to get back up and try again, then you have not failed!

The lesson to take away is that we all get knocked down, and we all go through times when we don’t succeed at something.

➡️ The key to true success is to try again!

I know you may be thinking,” I don’t know where to start.” This is okay and normal to feel this way, but you have to start somewhere. Doing nothing will yield the results of getting nothing every time. However, attempting to do even the smallest of things to get you going again can prove to boost your confidence.



The number #1 obstacle to overcome in trying again after failure is fear.


➡️ Need some guidance in overcoming your fear of failure? I offer life coaching and email life coaching that affordable and convenient. Try it risk-free by booking a free initial consultation with me.


Let me pose this question to you, would you rather give up on a dream that you had or take the time to ask the Holy Spirit how He can help you succeed this time?

Perhaps you have not thought about asking the Holy Spirit to show you how to be successful in what you are attempting to do. Think about it like this, perhaps the reason that we have failed before is because we needed the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit. I believe fear is a spirit, and we can unknowingly agree with this spirit and never become the overcomer that Christ has said we could be.


Reflect on the scripture below.⬇️ What is this scripture saying to you? How can you apply this scripture to what you want to start over in your life?


For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but power and love and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV


Trying again can seem so overwhelming, but if you use the following action steps they can greatly increase your chances of building your confidence again for a successful outcome in what you pursue:

1.    Ask the Holy Spirit to give you His wisdom and guidance in what steps to take, and how to achieve the goals that you have. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you creativity, and to connect you to the right people and places that would help support what you are pursuing,

2.    This is a big one. Believe in yourself again. Stop playing the “tapes” in your mind that you, “can’t do it”, “you don’t have what it takes,” or “don’t bother trying, you will just fail again.”

Key takeaway: if you don’t believe in yourself, others won’t either!

➡️ Need help with disciplining your mind, I have a book and a course on, “Disciplining Your Mind, 30 Days to a Better You,” that can assist you in how to take control of your thoughts, so they don’t take control over you.

3.    Just get started. Write down what you are wanting to accomplish (write your vision on a tablet, Habakkuk 2:2). Pray over your vision and ask the Lord to bless, increase, multiply, and expand your work (business), ministry, relationships, or whatever your vision is.

4.    Get connected to others who are going in the same direction you want to go. Seek those who are going up, and who can encourage you as well as teach you how to accomplish what you are desiring.

5.    Speak declarations over yourself daily for success and see yourself successful. Dress and act for success. Play the “part.” Declare over yourself daily, “I will prosper and succeed in whatever I put my hands to do.”

6.    Reevaluate your goals every 30 days. Some goals may need to be modified, some goals need to be added, and some goals need to be done away with.

7.    Put God first in your day. Seek His Kingdom first before attempting to pursue any of your goals and dreams.

Reflect:Keep this book of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will prosper and be successful.” Joshua 1:8.

I suggest making notecards and writing out scriptures that apply to you, or that the Holy Spirit has highlighted and speak those scriptures out day and night.

Everyone wants to achieve success in an instant, but success is hard work + dedication.


Consider the following successful people. They were not always successful though.


Sir James Dyson- He attempted 5,126 times of failed prototypes before creating the bagless vacuum.


Vincent Van Gogh- In his lifetime he could not get rid of his paintings, and in fact sold only one painting! His paintings are now worth upwards of $100 million.


The list of people goes on who were not successful at first, then reached success after trying, often, repeatedly. Look up these now success stories for yourself: Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and Walt Disney.


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