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Word of Encouragement: God has made your feet like hinds feet

Writer's picture: stephaniereckstephaniereck

The stirring, shifting, and disruptions of this last season are finally coming to an end. The “molting season” has finally stopped. Just like when birds have to replace old feathers because they are damaged, we also have undergone a molting season. Those things in our lives that are not producing life and fruit have been removed as we have allowed the Lord to do this work in our lives. The old systems and former ways that we have lived no longer serve us for the new season ahead.

Many of us had to undergo severe and drastic changes so that we could reflect the light and love to a dying and broken world. Do not despair, many of the changes have been abrupt and painful; but God has been in the middle of the fire. He is for you, even though it has appeared that He was not. You have been refined in the fire, and you should celebrate that this time you did not do things like you have done in your past. You overcame mountains of strongholds that have been erected for decades in your life as you chose to stand in faith and obey God, when in fact you wanted to seek revenge for the many unjust situations that you have endured.

The Lord has not been asleep, in fact, He has seen all that you have endured, and your faith has caused the Lord to be provoked to act quickly on your behalf. The Lord has prepared a table before the presence of your enemies, and you will see your enemies fall before your eyes. Do not rejoice when you see them fall, but have mercy that they would repent for their wicked ways before it is too late.
God has made your feet like hinds feet

The time has come that you put those former things that have not worked in the past at the feet of Jesus. You will not be able to bring those situations that have burdened you for years in this new season. You have had to grieve losses, hardships, and disappointments in this last season, but God desires that your time of mourning be turned into dancing as you step on higher ground. God has made your feet like “hinds feet” on this higher ground. The hinds feet on higher ground means you have learned to overcome fear and suffering like a deer leaping over obstacles. You will now leap over every obstacle and sit on high ground and never stumble or fall over when trials of life come. You will take your place, which is now above your enemies with steady feet. Because you have made the Lord you're strength you now keep your eyes on the Lord and the Lord will allow an escape from all of your enemies.

“Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail and the fields yield no food; though the flock may be cut off from the fold and there be herd in the stalls-Yet, I will rejoice in the Lord, I will have joy in the God of my salvation.

The Lord is my stength; He will make my feet like deers feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills. Habakkuk 3:17-19 (NKJV).

A hinds feet is a female deer that can place her back feet exactly where her front feet stepped. Not one inch off! In times of danger, she is able to run securely and not get “off track”. The hind is able to scale unusually difficult terrain and elude predators.

The Lord has made your feet like hinds feet.


Copyright@2025 by Stephanie Reck, Coaching and Consulting Services, LLC

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