Enjoy this day that you have been given. Bask and enjoy the work that you have done. Don't worry about tomorrow. Focus on this day.
You have already prayed today and given your cares to the Lord. Now go about your day and trust in God's timing He will come through for you. God is faithful. He really wants to give you good gifts.
Watch and be observant in the ways God blesses you with His excellent gifts, whether it's seeing a beautiful bird or watching a magnificent sunrise. God wants to show you His beauty through His creation. However, these are not the only ways God wants to give you good gifts. The ways God gives you good gifts may look different for each person. God knows what will cause you to smile and enjoy your lives.
I have always loved nature, so I believe when I see that majestic white hawk circling nearby my home I can't help to smile and think this is a gift from God to me personally.

Whatever ways the Lord gives you His good gifts will make you smile and you will feel joy.
God wants you to smile again, enjoy life again, and know that He is a good God.
There is a season and a time for everything. A time to mourn and a time to dance...(Ecceliastes 3:1).
This is your time to dance! Your time of mourning has come to an end for this season.