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Writer's picturestephaniereck

Word of Encouragement: The Lord Has Prepared the Way For This Transition

Change is on the horizon. You must quiet yourself so that you can adapt to the changes. God will lead you by the way of peace as you navigate this unknown territory.

You are on a path that will take you higher, even though it looked like you were going lower. God will speak to you and direct your paths as you get quiet and alone with God.

You will taste and see that the Lord is good today and every day after. You will lack for no good thing as you stand upon the Word of God, and allow His promises to unfold in His timing.

There is no fear, for God is with you through the “fire and the flood.”

Your normal routine has changed, but you will adjust quicker than you believe. The change to your routine will turn out to be a benefit to you.

God will uphold you and sustain you as you get your “barons” straight from the upheaval of drastic changes. Although your circumstances have changed, God has not. Your stability comes not from what or who is around you, but through the unchangeable God.

The Lord has already prepared the way for this transition. The stings of defeat will not be your portion.

The Lord has prepared the way for change in your life

Adjustments and realignments are coming and they will be to your benefit.

The enemy thought He had you cornered, but you are coming out swinging as you realize what has been unjustly taken from you.

This battle belongs to the Lord, and He will trump over all your enemies.


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