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Writer's picturestephaniereck

Word of Encouragement: You Are Going Over This Time and Not Under! 

The waves of troubling circumstances have threatened you on every side. You thought for a minute that you might just break down as wave after wave crashed around you. What circumstances used to cripple you are now becoming a springboard for you to jump off and over.


You almost gave in to the lies that you had not changed, and you were going back. But this time you got back up. You may have gone under the crashing waves for a minute, but unlike in times past, you came up more determined and resilient than ever. You finally have had enough of the enemy stealing, killing, and destroying from you. Something inside of you has had enough of the enemy's same schemes against you. You have said, “Enough is enough!” You got up and started fighting.


You are going over this time and not under!



The plans the enemy had against you to keep you trapped in demonic cycles of anger, unforgiveness, offense, jealousy, and bitterness using the same people and the same circumstances no longer will succeed against you. You can now see how the enemy has used the patterns in your life to keep you defeated and discouraged. These cycles stop now as you recognize you don’t have to give into these schemes.


The Lord God will protect you as you get into His presence, and keep yourself humble and free of anger, unforgiveness, jealousy, offense, and bitterness. He will guard your heart as you trust Him to keep you in perfect peace as you keep your eyes on Him, not the shaking circumstances that seem threatening to you.


You no longer need to fear that you will continue to sin and “mess up” poorly when triggered by these demonic cycles. Forgive yourself, as the Lord does forgive you, but make sure to forgive others just the same. The mercy and forgiveness that you desire God to show you is the same that God desires us to do for others. He will do this for you as you love others free of anger, resentment, bitterness, offense, and being judgmental. In the same measure that you judge others, God will judge you. If you have been harsh and unloving towards others because they have hurt you in times past, it’s time to lay the “ax to that root,” and chop it out of your heart. Love covers a multitude of sins. Love covers all! There is no need to keep getting yourself worked up over the same people and situations.


Let God arise in your life and scatter all your enemies. Be patient as you wait on the Lord for Him to deliver you from those who harm you. You can keep a gentle and calm spirit as you wait for the Lord’s hands to move on your behalf. The Lord is healing your need to take up your matters into your own hands, because you either feel God is not moving or not protecting you. You must remain diligent in prayer, waiting on the Lord to act. Do not take matters into your own hands, as this gives the enemy wiggle room to inflict harm upon you. Anger, offense, bitterness, and unforgiveness all give the enemy legal rights to your life. You see that now, and you won’t take the bait any longer!


You will love all people well, even those who do things that are upsetting to you. You will humble yourself before your Lord at any attempt the enemy would deploy his nasty schemes against you. You will resist the enemy (by not taking the bait of offense, anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness), and the enemy will then flee from you. This will happen every time you do this God’s way.


The deadly trap of comparison is breaking off you. This is one of the biggest agendas the enemy uses against you to keep you in the demonic cycles of bitterness, offense, self-pity, and anger. The enemy knows what you have desired, and he seeks those who will parade the very things that you want in front of you. The enemy whispers lies to you during these times of having you believe that you are not blessed and that somehow lacking because you don’t have what others have. The Lord is breaking off from you comparison.


Keep your eyes on Christ, not on what others have done to you and what others have and you don’t. You will be free of these demonic cycles once and for all. You have chosen the better way, even though your flesh wants to protect itself. Keep your heart clear of all that could clog up the flow of the Holy Spirit. God knows your desires, and He sees when the taunting spirit is after you. There is no need to have a pity party, for you do not have the same as others because you have been given more in God’s Kingdom. You are a chosen vessel to represent Christ, and you are a special instrument for the Lord’s work. Never forget you have great value and worth in the Kingdom of God. You are more precious than rubies to the Lord. Surrender all of your pain, your desires, and wanting to protect yourself. God knows all, and He sees all. Give all of your troubles over to the Lord right now. Surrender and let go, and you will feel better. You will feel lighter and have more energy as you release what you cannot control.


This is the time for demonic cycles in your life to crumble. You will overcome because you are doing things God’s way, and not the way you believe it should happen.


➡️ Write out what has been troubling you, and let's together untangle what is concerning you.



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